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武漢新型肺炎 突然意識がなくなり バタンと倒れる人が急増(2)|新型肺炎|新型コロナウイルス|中国NOW

武漢新型肺炎 突然意識がなくなり バタンと倒れる人が急増|新型肺炎|新型コロナウイルス|中国NOW 【新唐人NTDTV=米NYに本...







#中国 #中国製ワクチン  ---------------------------------- 宜しければご登録よろしくお願いいたします。...





【閲覧注意】恐怖 中国で老若男女問わず、突然倒れる人が急増!






Dr. Martín Monteverde, spokesman for the group of health professionals who submitted the request for the report on the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 in Argentina, and who announced that graphene oxide was found in Vaxigrip Tetra and Moderna vaccines, gave a special interview for Radio Fresh a few hours ago.
Throughout the interview, the doctor put the listening public on notice about the truths that the globalist media will not tell them: no country in the world has isolated the so-called SARS-CoV-2; the PCR test was created to be the support of the plandemic; and the graphene oxide introduced in the flu vaccines of the 2019 and 2020 campaigns was the real cause of the so-called first wave.
In the following excerpt selected by Orwell City, Dr. Monteverde relates it all in his own words.

インタビューを通して、医師はグローバリストメディアが彼らに言わない真実についての通知に耳を傾ける一般の人々を置いた:世界のどの国もいわゆるSARS-CoV-2を孤立させていない。PCR テストは、プランデミックのサポートとして作成されました。

Marcos Kappes (Fresh): That's precisely why when this request for a report to the province of Santa Fe ―which obviously they have to answer by law―... When the answer has been finally given, we'd love to see what kind of answer it is, Martín. 
Because I'm very surprised that, for example, there has already been a request for a report at the national level, and the answer has been very poor. The same thing happened in Uruguay, the same thing happened in Ireland, and the same thing happened in the United States. It seems that nobody has found the virus in human beings. And so there are a lot of things that aren't very clear. This is crazy, and many people don't know it.


Dr. Martín Monteverde: Exactly, exactly. Look, here in Argentina, a physician, Dr. Anada Verede together with a biochemist, presented a request for a report to the Minister of Health of the Nation, Carla Biscotti. There was a request for a report on whether the Minister of Health of the Nation had any knowledge of if anyone in the world or in Argentina had isolated and characterized the alleged virus. The alleged SARS-CoV-2. The Minister answered and said that there is no viral isolation.


Dr. Martín Monteverde: She was also asked that question. And, what our minister acknowledged was that, in short, the virus does not exist. In other words, the virus was never found in human blood or in the human bronchoalveolar fluid. What the Minister of Health of Argentina answered was also asked, as you said, to the CDC of the United States. And United States replied that they have not isolated the virus either. The Chinese acknowledged that they have not isolated the virus either. And, so far, no country in the world said they have had isolated the virus. 


I read a one from Chile two days ago, in which a group from a Chilean university said they had isolated the virus. And when I read the article, they didn't say how they had done it. There was no proof. There was nothing. It was just a journalistic note. 
But our Minister of Health acknowledged that there is no viral isolation. And this has been recognized by many governments in the world. In other words, nobody in the world has ever isolated the virus from human blood nor from the human bronchoalveolar fluid. 
And concerning the PCR test, Dr. Anada Verede also asked the Minister if it finds the virus. When they tell you that you tested positive. And the minister answers no. She goes around and round in her answer, but she finally says: "No, no. The PCR finds a little piece of the virus. The PCR finds a very small piece. Approximately 37 base pairs of DNA or RNA." And do you know how many base pairs the supposed virus has?

私は2日前にチリから1つを読みました, チリの大学からのグループは、彼らがウイルスを分離したと言いました.そして、私が記事を読んだとき、彼らは彼らがそれをした方法を言わなかった。証拠はありませんでした。何もありませんでした。それは単なるジャーナリズムのメモでした。 
言い換えれば、世界の誰も人間の血液からも人間の気管支胞体液からウイルスを単離したことがありません。 そして、PCRテストに関して、アナダ・ヴェレデ博士も大臣にウイルスを見つけたかどうか尋ねました。彼らはあなたが陽性をテストしたことを教えてくれるとき.そして、大臣はノーと答えます。彼女は答えの中をぐるぐる回るが、ついに「いや、いや。PCR はウイルスの小さな部分を見つけます。PCR は非常に小さな部分を見つけます。DNAまたはRNAの塩基対約37個」そして、あなたは想定されるウイルスが持っている塩基対の数を知っていますか?

Marcos Kappes (Fresh): Is that where the asymptomatic figure can also appear? The one that is PCR positive but without any symptoms?
Dr. Martín Monteverde: Of course, of course. That is to say, the deception is in the PCR test. It's thanks to the PCR test that this pandemic could be carried out. And the mass media could use it as an excuse to tell us that there were dead and infected people and that there is another wave and a variant. And the role of all the national media ―as you well know―, and of the media here in Santa Fe, unfortunately... The role of the local media ―of the newspaper Litoral Aire of Santa Fe, of Diario Uno―), the role of the media during this year and a half has been a role really... I don't know how to describe it. They've been terrorizing the population without giving room to any critical voice. Coinciding with a very high level of censorship on YouTube, on Facebook... Doctors and scientists who have come out to say that this is all a farce, you know that they get their profiles deleted, their accounts are completely cancelled, etc.

マルティン・モンテベルデ博士:もちろんです。つまり、欺瞞はPCRテストにあります。このパンデミックを行うことができるのはPCRテストのおかげです。そして、マスメディアは、死者と感染者がいて、別の波と変種があることを私たちに伝えるために言い訳としてそれを使用することができます。そして、あなたがよく知っているように、すべての国営メディアの役割 -そしてサンタフェのメディアの、残念ながら..地元メディアの役割は、サンタフェの新聞リトララー・エア、ディアリオ・ウノの、この1年半の間のメディアの役割は本当に役割でした.私はそれを記述する方法を知らない。彼らは批判的な声に余裕を与えることなく、人を恐怖に陥れています。FacebookやYouTubeで非常に高いレベルの検閲と一致しています。これはすべて茶番であると言うために出てきた医師や科学者は、彼らが彼らのプロフィールを削除することを知っている、等々。

Marcos Kappes (Fresh): Martín, here are some questions while we chat a little. As we continue chatting, we're going to answer some of them in the time we have left. And we're asked if you're aware that graphene has already been present in other vaccines.
Dr. Martín Monteverde: Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Graphene nanoparticles were added, at least, in the 2019 and 2020 flu vaccines. And that's how the first wave was created.
Marcos Kappes (Fresh): o thanks to the first batch of vaccines, the first wave was created. That is to say that... Let's see. I was listening to you when you said that the symptoms that could be caused by having graphene in the body are the same symptoms as of those of COVID today.
Dr. Martín Monteverde: Yes, yes, all of them. All the symptoms triggered by having graphene in the body are the same as those of the so-called COVID-19. Yes.


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